I tried to elude thy with thou deceitful enticement,

But demons sheltered into a sailing ship, where my body rested.

My soul was swirling and in this pandemonium I found-

Thou have never had such wings as my illusions and torment.

But thou were a seraph with mystery,
A wretched one from dreadful path… and thou fled, I feared.
Thou truly fanciful eyes creeped into clandestine forest,
Where I used to play enchantment in a pale darkness.

Leaves of allegiance fell when thou whispered.
I promised thy on my grace,
Where dandelions and dejection were growing.
Thou dabbed letters of death song on my gravestone
And the skies of extinction were screaming in agony:
“Thou came, to keep.
Thou promised, to see.
Thou knew, to say: “Farewell!””
