21.09.2015, 17:40
FOTOD: Emmy'de galal kiskus nii kuumaks, et "Päästja koolikella" staar higistas särgi läbimärjaks
Eile Hollywoodis Microsoft Theatre'is peetud Emmy'de galal tõusis õhutemperatuur lausa 33 kraadini, pannes teletähtede kuumataluvuse proovile. Kui ka teleülekandest oli näha, et staaridel otsmikel higipiisad pärlendasid, siis "Päästja koolikella" täht otsustas Twitteris oma pintsakuhõlmi paotada ja näidata, mis härrastel staaridel ülikonnakuubede all tegelikult toimub.
The sweat-soaked celebs who walked the Emmys red carpet on Sunday proved that the awards show is the hottest night in television.
Clad in extravagant gowns and stylish tuxes, TV’s best and brightest struggled to deal with temperatures that reached the high 90s at the Microsoft Theater in Downtown Los Angeles, but no one seemed as hot and bothered as Mario Lopez.
The “Extra” anchor, 40, found himself sweating so profusely that an emergency wardrobe change was needed before the red carpet portion of the evening was finished.
The former “Saved by the Bell” star poked fun at the situation, sharing pictures of his completely soaked through shirt on Twitter afterwards.