A post shared by Terrie McEvoy (@terriemcevoy) on Jan 14, 2018 at 11:18am PST

Hiljuti lahvatas skandaal, kui nüüd kustutatud Instagrami kontol paljastati, et 2015. aastal, kui naine korraldas koostöös Tower Jewellersiga auhinnamängu, andis ta auhinnad hoopis oma parimale sõbrannale ja venna tüdruksõbrale. McEvoy on nüüd vabandanud ning seletas: “Umbes 100 inimest osales loosimises, kellest 30 ma teadsin. Mul oli tollal vähe jälgijaid, aga tean, et see ei ole vabadus. Oleksin pidanud valima kellegi, keda ma ei tea. Mõistan, miks inimesed nii vihased on, ma TÕESTI mõistan. Tahan, et inimesed teaksid, et mul olid siis omad põhjused, miks ma need kaks tüdrukut valisin. Mul oli süda õiges kohas. Ma tõesti kahetsen, olen sellest õppinud, valanud rohkelt pisaraid ning ennast selle eest hurjutanud. Aga ma ei saa minevikku muuta.”

Sometimes you just need to take a little step back from the madness,... cuddle a kangaroo and then move forward 🙈... I appreciate the 1000's of messages I've gotten over the past week asking if I was ok and that they missed my snaps 💛 I just wanted to say something small before I put this to bed- I picked my brothers girlfriend and a close friend at the time to win a competition for a bracelet in 2015. Approx 100 people entered each one ... I think I knew about 30 of the people that entered at the time... I had a small following BUT, I know that's not an excuse. I 100% should have picked somebody I didn't know and I appreciate why people were so angry, I TOTALLY understand...... But I just want people to know that at the time I had my reasons to pick these two particular girls and my heart was in the right place..... I think I've learned over the last few years, that sometimes you can't always listen to your heart you have to let your brain do the work... but you know what? I wish I could, but I just can't change the past ..it was almost 3 years ago.... I've learned, I've apologised, I've cried my tears, and absolutely beat myself up over it... but again... I CAN'T do anything about the past. As Rafiki from the Lion King says "You can either run from it, or learn from it"✨.... and I choose to learn.💛👌🏼✨ I'm taking a little break from everything, especially snapchat to keep focusing on me, it's been hard to concentrate over the past few days and I haven't been looking after myself, so I'll catch you guys really soon once I have an appetite and my brain is working again!!! ☺️💛✌🏽I hope you all had an amazing weekend and have a lovely week ahead! 💛💛💛💛 💛💛 Ps please try and be nice, I'm a person too... xxx

A post shared by Terrie McEvoy (@terriemcevoy) on Jan 23, 2018 at 2:21am PST

Lisaks vabandusele teatas naine, et jätab sotsiaalmeedia kasutamise, et keskenduda endale. “Ma ei ole viimastel päevadel enda eest hoolt kandnud.” Siiski on naise Instagrami konto endiselt aktiivne ning pärast vabanduspostitust jagas ta pilti, et on Sydneyst lahkumas järgmisele seiklesele. Naise Facebooki konto on mitteaktiivne, ent blogi on endiselt veebis üleval.

McEvoy vabandus tekitas tema jälgijates kahetisi tundeid, mitmed toetasid teda ning tõdesid, et igaüks teeb vigu ning juhtum oli juba kolm aastat tagasi. Teised aga leiavad, et loosimängu tulemuste muutmisele ei ole mingit vabandust.

Kuidas see lugu Sind end tundma pani?
