Nimelt vaadati 26. aprillil linastuva "Tasujate" neljanda filmi treilerit Marveli ametlike Youtube'i, Twitteri kui ka Facebooki videote vahendusel kokku 289 miljonit korda, mis tähendab, et see hoiab nüüd esimest kohta ning teisele kohale langes 230 miljoni vaatajaga eelmine film "Tasujad: Igaviku sõda" ("Avengers: Infinity War").

Marvel andis saavutusest kohe teada ka oma Facebookis ja Twitteris.

Edetabel 20 vaadatuimast (miljonites) treilerist esimese 24 tunni jooksul:

1. "Avengers: Endgame – Official Trailer" - 289

2. "Avengers: Infinity War – Official Trailer" - 230

3. "The Lion King – Official Teaser Trailer" - 224.6

4. "It – Official Teaser Trailer" - 197

5. "Avengers: Infinity War – Official Trailer #2" - 179

6. "The Fate of the Furious – Official Trailer" - 139

7. "Thor: Ragnarok – Teaser Trailer" - 136

8. "Beauty and the Beast – Official Trailer" - 127.6

9. "Star Wars: The Last Jedi – Trailer (Official)" - 120.1

10. "Fifty Shades Darker – Official Trailer" - 114

11. "Incredibles 2 – Official Teaser Trailer" - 113

12. "Star Wars: The Force Awakens – Trailer (Official)" - 112

13. "Captain Marvel – Official Trailer" - 109

14. "Pokémon: Detective Pikachu – Official Trailer #1" - 100

15. "Captain America: Civil War – Trailer #2" - 94.7

16. "Transformers: The Last Knight – Official Teaser Trailer" - 93.6

17. "Beauty and the Beast – Official Teaser Trailer" - 91.4

18. "Black Panther – Teaser Trailer" - 89

19. "Star Wars: The Force Awakens – Official Teaser #2" - 88

20. "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 – Teaser Trailer" - 81

"Tasujad: Lõppmäng" ("Avengers: Endgame") linastub Eesti kinodes 26. aprillil.

Allikas: Wikipedia

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