Pildil on 1,8-aastane tütar Bodhi Soleil Reid Somerhalder ema süles pikali ning sööb. Reed on lapse pea katnud kübaraga, vahendab E! News.

"Mult küsitakse tihti kui kaua ma veel imetamist jätkan. Ausalt, mul pole aimugi kaua me veel koos sellel teekonnal oleme, ma teen tema järgi ja ta ütleb mulle täpselt, mida tal vaja on. 20-kuuselt on tal huvi toidu vastu alles tärganud. Peale kuid kestnud püreestamist avastasin, et mu tütrele ei meeldi selline toit. Uskumatu eks? Keegi pakkus, et ma jätaks püreed vahele ja alles siis hakkas teda huvitama, mis ta taldrikul on."

Naine julgustab ka teisi emasid, kelle lastele püreed ei maitse, et rinnapiim ja aurutatud juurviljad võivad olla ainus lahendus.

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I often get asked how long I plan on breastfeeding. To be honest, I have no idea how long her and I will be on this journey together. I follow her lead, and she tells me exactly what she needs. At 20 months she is only just becoming interested in food. I discovered after a year of blending and smooshing and mashing, that my daughter doesn’t like mushy baby food. Wild right? It wasn’t until someone suggested I skip puréed food and go straight to finger foods that she became intrigued by what was on her plate. Who knew some kids just don’t ever go for blended baby food. I tried bananas, avocado, all the semi-soft good stuff and she rejected everything. Never in a million years did I think to skip that step when she only had two teeth. Also, I thought all babies loved avocado! So all you mamas out there having trouble feeding your little one the mushy stuff, maybe try over-steamed veggies diced up itty bitty so he/she can play with textures. I wish someone had told me this sooner! If your little one isn’t eating puréed solids, they might want to go straight for big people food! Right now thats where were at, still breastfeeding and skipping right to finger foods. Also, in case you need to hear it again because I definitely did, whatever you’re doing you are doing it right! Every baby is on their own path doing things when and how they need to, and our job is to trust our gut, talk to other mamas and just go with the flow! Ps accidental matching outfits...come on! This bloomer/hat combo courtesy of both Grandmas making all my baby-wardrobe dreams I didn’t know I had come true :)

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