Lauljatar Celine Dion näib sünnitusest igati taastunud olevat. Kolme lapse ema esitles end ja kaksikpoegasid eile Las Vegases, kus ta koos perega viibis.

Uhke kasiino avamisel viibis ka Celine'i ja tema abikaasa Rene Angeli üheksa-aastane poeg Rene Charles.

'I am changing diapers and breastfeeding and that's something where no one can take my place,' she told French GALA magazine last month.

'It's tiring but an intense joy,' she said. 'I take things day by day. That's the secret to me. In any case, breastfeeding is more difficult if you are stressed.

Fanfare: French-Canadian star Celine will now begin rehearsals for her new show, set to debut on March 15 at The Colosseum

Warm welcome: Crowds gathered to cheer on Celine

'I didn't have these children to not take care of them, to give myself to them 200 - 300 per cent.'

Celine and her husband fought for years to have a family. The singer underwent IVF to conceive her first son, then a further six failed attempts before finally falling pregnant with triplets.

But one baby did not survive, dying early in pregnancy.

Residency: Celine will be based at Caesars Palace