Laupäeval, 2. mail toimub teater NO99 kohvikus järjekordne pidu sarjast „Disco Tallinn”, mille peaesinejaks on Itaalia superstaar, ekstravagantne drag queen Hard Ton. Hard Ton andis Kroonikale eksklusiivintervjuu.

Where does the stage name Hard Ton come from?
Well, maybe it's a joke about my weight, or maybe it's about my love for hard rock and heavy metal. Someone thinks that it has to do with the fact that I look like a tough queen. Others suppose that it's a tribute to the legendary disco divas' duo "Two Tons Of Fun". Maybe it's a little bit of all these things... or maybe it's just a kinky joke about the hard on's that our music can give you.

What makes your shows cool and spectacular?
Isn't my presence enough, darling?

What would you like to offer the clubbers in Estonia?
We are gonna bring acid riffs, disco falsettos, glamour, love, queerness, pop delirium, groovy beats, everything that can make you sweat! And a body to touch, as well.
But hey, what the Tallinn's clubbers can offer back to me? You better know that I'm very demanding!

Any relationship with Estonia? Been here before?
It's gonna be our first time, and that's very exciting, we really look forward, and we hope to have some time to visit the city. Anyone is up for being our personal city guide?

**Juba kolmandat korda toimuv "Disco Tallinn” sai alguse korraldajate soovist taaselustada selle õige disco – nii muusika, ajastu kui atmosfääri kontekstis ning segada hulka veidi tänapäeva. Atmosfääri loomisele aitab edukalt kaasa toimumiskoht – NO99 teatri kohvik Tallinna südalinnas. Täismajale läinud esimesed kaks pidu andsid selge signaali, et vajadus end igapäevasest, korduma kippuvast klubikultuurist välja rebida on olemas. Seetõttu on kolmanda sündmuse programm senisest uhkeim, mil peaesinejana lendab Veneetsiast kohale ekstravagantne, śokeeriv drag-queen Hard Ton. Tegemist on laulja ja DJ duoga, kes on tänaseks maailma lavadele juba mitu ringi peale teinud ning produtseerinud muusikat näiteks koostöös legendaarse Dimitri From Paris´ga.

Antud peo raames teeb comeback-etteaste teinegi duo – legendaarsest klubist Nightman tuule tiibadesse saanud salapärane DJ´de kooslus The Stomp Brothers. Neile sekundeerivad "Disco Tallinn” residendid Widenski ja Tom Lilienthal ning spetsiaalse disco-setiga üllatab Kyka.

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