Lastehaiglas ravil oleval Abbyl tekkis haiglas sõbralik suhe oma raviõe Matt Hicklingga. Mees meeldis tüdrukule nii palju, et ta otsustas Mattiga abielluda. 

Abby rääkis oma plaanist emaga ning viimane leppiski õde Hicklingiga kokku, et haiglas toimub mängupulm. 

Pulmakülalisteks olid sama haigla töötajad, Abby kandis ilusat valget kleiti ning Matil oli seljas pidulik T-särk. Ei puudunud ka pulmatort.  

So today I got to help make a 4 year old leukemia patient's "wedding" to her favorite nurse Matt Hickling happen at the Melodies Center for Childhood Cancers at AMC. Thanks to Scott Wright and the team at the Enchanted Garden for donating your time and amazing flowers and to everyone at AMC that helped pull this together in less than 24 hours. You people are amazing. THIS is why we go into nursing.

Posted by Lori Ciafardoni on Thursday, July 16, 2015