Bändide taotlusvoor TMW 2013 programmi avaneb 1. oktoobril.

Tallinn Music Week 2013 leiab aset 4-6 aprillil. Juba viiendat aastat toimuva festivali raames koguneb kolmeks päevaks Tallinnasse Eesti muusikakogukond ning ligi 300 rahvusvahelise profiiliga muusikettevõtjat, kes tutvuvad festivalil lootustandva Eesti talendiga, jagavad konverentsil muusikaettevõtluskogemusi ning loovad kontakte Eesti muusikatööstusega

Tallinn Music Week 2013 delegaadipass:
Kuni 1. detsember 2012: 100 EUR
2. detsember - 31. jaanuar: 150 EUR
1. veebruar - 10. märts: 175 EUR
11. märts - 5. aprill: 225 EUR

Tudengitele kehtib 50% soodustus kõikidest hindadest.

Aastal 2012 võttis TMW-st delegaadina osa 283 muusikaettevõtjat ja -organisatsiooni Eestist ning 306 rahvusvahelist delegaati. Festivaliprogrammis astus üles 183 artisti 13 riigist ning muusikaklubisid külastas kokku 11 200 festivalikülastajat.

Nii kirjutas rahvusvaheline meedia ja arvasid meie väliskülalised Tallinn Music Week 2012-st:

Helienne Lindvall, The Guardian:
“Tallinn Music Week suggested the Baltic States would be the next region to burst on to the European music scene. It was clear right from the start that last week’s Tallinn Music Week was not your ordinary music festival – and Estonia not your average country.”

Adam Harper, Wire Magazine:
“Tallinn Music Week has proven that a country as small as Estonia punches well above its weight in terms of musical talent. TMW was a thought-provoking window on music-making culture not just in and around Estonia, but as regards the rest of the world too.”

Ville Kipeläinen, Fullsteam Agency (FIN):
“After 4 years, Tallinn Music Week is already among the top 5 showcase festivals in the world, which is an amazing accomplishment in itself. Secondly, the Estonian music scene has leapfrogged past most European countries as one of the most exciting sources of emerging talent. Tallinn Music Week is a productive and enjoyable event that just keeps getting better and better.”

Martin Elbourne, The Great Escape (UK):
“I thought the level of organization and hospitality Tallinn Music Week provided was superb. Tallinn’s concert venues were great. It was one of the most enjoyable conference showcase events I have been to (and I have been to a few!).”